Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Super Hero Capes!

For Christmas I decided to make my two older kids some super hero capes. They love the show super why and in the past whenever they wanted to be a superhero I would put a towel around them and secure with a pony tail holder. So, I decided they finally needed real ones. These are so easy to make. I found a tutorial on this link . I made both of these capes within thirty minutes and they cost $1.20 since most of the fabric I used for from old projects. I used cotton for the bulk of the cape and felt for the design on the back.


Angela said...

I am so glad you posted this. I have been wanting to make some for my kids but most of the capes I have found are a little more involved than I want.

The Leonards said...

This cape is really easy and simple and what I love the most is that they can put it on themselves:) Oh and you can't tell but the blue cape is red on the back and the pink cape is purple on the other side.